Oh hey there

After my love-hate relationship with exercise (love to do it, hate that I am prone to injury) I finally feel as though I am back into my workout groove, more excited that ever for it to finally be nice outside! Maybe it’s cheesy but these Olympics do it to me every time.  After two weeks of rest and eating pretty freely, I’m excited to train again! For the early mornings, walks home from the gym as the sunrises, a nice breakfast to look forward to as I shower.  Because in  6 short months….it’s Tough Mudder time.

toughmudder1 toughmudder2

Do you see all those electric dangling wires??? SOOOOOO the training plan has been set! I was looking for a low key one that would hit all the major body parts, since I already feel comfortable with lifting, it’s mostly my endurance that will need some work. Not running for 5 months will do that to you 😉 So anyways I’m loosely following this plan, depending on how my body responds in the first few weeks.


Tell me:

Have you ever done a Tough Mudder? What’s the worst obstacle?

Ever done any sort of obstacle race?

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