get your namaste om

I’ve always been a black or white, all or nothing kind of person so it really shouldn’t be surprising that I am so on the yoga bandwagon that I seriously considered the requirements to teach, and if I could exude calmness like every instructor I’ve had. It just is really what I need right now. Stress from exams, I physically need this to calm my flared up muscles and nerves, and I need to spend an hour not worrying!! 

This is completely off topic, but today I had to face two of my irrational fears. In chemistry lab we have to take some acidic solutions in beakers and transfer them from test tubes and vials, and no matter what the chemical (since I really have no knowledge of their qualities) I am terrified that I’m going to get one drop on my hand and it’s going to start burning. Secondly, I’m really scared that someone is going to put a potato in my exhaust pipe and make the exhaust fuel come back into my car. A potato.


Tell me:

What is one of your irrational fears?

What relaxes you most?

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