The last meal

As I noticed all the balloons and pancakes around my Catholic university, I realized that today was Pancake Tuesday! Which means Lent begins tomorrow! Most years I vow to give up some sort of food, and most years I remember for a full 40 days. This year I’m doing something a little different. I’m giving up Diet Coke and peanut butter, as well as something different.

Peanut butter is and probably always will be a trouble food for me. I CANNOT control myself around it. It’s something I genuinely enjoy eating and so many foods taste better with it, but this problem goes years back, beyond a basic over-eating.  So as I packed up my jars and individual serving packets, I had one last meal of pb toast.

Diet Coke, on the other hand, I can control myself around, but it is something I enjoy, which will be a challenge to give up. Which I am pretty sure is the whole point! I once gave up diet soda for years and broke my streak this year.  Who knows if I’ll even miss it that much after a few weeks!

Lastly, the next thing I’m going to give up is not a material object. I’m going to (start to) give up negative self talk. I want to appreciate and forgive myself more. No feeling guilty for missing a day of working out, or not studying as much as someone else.  I really want to become a better person, which is something that I think is a lifelong journey.

Tell me:

What are you giving up?

Do you have any dangerous foods you can’t keep near you because they won’t last??

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